Our Activities & Events
Something for Everyone
Sundays: 10.45am - 11.45am (Weekly)
Worship is central to the life of Upper Ettingshall and includes a mixture of both the formal and the informal. We sing songs and hymns old and new. Worship is always centred around the Bible and we celebrate Holy Communion each month. We are pleased to welcome ministers and local preachers from across the Wolverhampton Circuit and beyond to lead us in worship. We occasionally plan our own services and welcome the ideas and involvement of the whole congregation. Refreshments are also available after each service. Find out who is leading the service by clicking here.
Craft & Chat
Mondays: 2.00pm - 4.00pm
(Monthly - first Monday of month)
The Arts & Crafts Group is open to all and meets on the first Monday of each month. Whatever your interest: knitting, painting, drawing, crocheting, puzzles, etc. - whether you are a complete novice, a hobbyist or a seasoned pro. you are welcome to come and share your talent with others. Even if you are not a crafty sort of person, you are still welcome to come and have a cuppa and a chat. (Cost - £1 per session)
Community Cafe
Tuesdays: 9.30am - 11.30am
The Community Cafe is open each week. With a straightforward, simple and very reasonably priced menu, (Click here to see the menu) The cafe provides a meeting place for all within the community. Perhaps you know someone who lives alone and might benefit from getting out for a while and meeting with others. All are very welcome.
Christmas & Summer Fayres
As a church we hold various fayres and exhibitions throughout the year. These usually include various stalls, home made cakes, tombola, decorations, and lots more. Whether you are looking for a gift for someone or just want somewhere to go and something to do - we would love to welcome you. More details about forthcoming fayres will appear here on our church facebook page.
Quiz Nights
Every so often we hold quiz nights at the church for the whole community. These provide an opportunity to come together to have some fun and show the world our amazing knowledge - or lack of it! Whatever your age or ability - you would be welcome to join us. A word of warning - Tony is our quiz master and you will definitely need a sense of humour if you attend!