Jesus said, 'Go into all the world ... baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.'
These words recorded at the end of Matthew's gospel remind us of our call to baptise in his name. Traditionally within the Methodist Church baptism has been offered to babies or small children, but the Bible has many accounts of adults being baptised as a response of faith.
Baptism is an important step in the Christian journey, and the use of water symbolises cleansing and renewal. We all make mistakes and Jesus offers each of us the chance to start again. In the New Testament being immersed in water was a sign of an old life being buried, and emerging out of the water symbolised resurrection and the beginning a new life. If you have not been baptised before then we would be pleased to speak with you about Baptism.
Baptism involves important promises made by either the individual or parents, godparents and the congregation.
Baptism normally takes place within a Sunday morning service though this can be arranged for other times if this is not convenient.
There is no charge for this service though a freewill offering is normally received during the service.
Please contact the minister (see below) for more information.